IATSE Local 46
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    What are the benefits of becoming a member ?

     I. As a member of the union, your are protected with a legal contract that specifies what you will be paid, what your benefits are, and defined working conditions. Without the union you are working under a good faith understanding.

    2. You are protected from unfair and illegal activities by an employer.

    3. You have access to retirement and health benefits for yourself and family.

    4. You have representation, legal and negotiating expertise of the union at your side should you have a employer dispute .

    5. You are part of a professional network of technicians and craftsmen in the entertainment industry.

    6. You have a voice, vote, and dignity in an industry that continues to experience growth.

    7. You realize the closest thing to job security in the entertainment industry by possessing an IA card.

    8. When you become employed through I.A.T.S.E. Local 46 Referral System, you may become eligible for the I.A.T.S.E. Local 46 Flexible Benefits Plan Through our contractual agreements, the employer pays into an account for you, with which you may purchase medical, life, accident, disability and cancer insurance. The Flexible Benefits Plan also contains provisions for vacation, HSA account, 401K, sick and retirement supplements, once you have reached a required balance in your account.

    We accept Applications on the second Tuesday of every month, between 10:00am and 2:00pm

    Please be sure to bring two forms of ID.  

    Page Last Updated: May 02, 2024 (12:34:30)
  • IATSE Local 46

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