IATSE Local 46
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  • Hiring Hall Rules

    I.A.T.S.E. LOCAL 46


    “WELCOME” to the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artist and Allied Crafts of the United States and Canada, Local 46 Referral System.

    Local 46 was chartered July 20, 1897, as a Stage Local.  At the present time, we refer personnel that work stage, television productions, audio visual, commercials and exhibition employees.

    The Following is very important information.  You should read it very carefully and keep it in a safe place.  It may be updated or changed from time to time.

    I.A.T.S.E. Local 46 is an Equal Opportunity Referral Hall.


    Tool List:  Pliers, Crescent Wrench, Utility Knife, 30’ Tape Measure, Hammer, Flat and Phillips   head Screwdrivers, Gloves, Wire Cutters, Pry Bar, JT-21 Stapler, Tool Bag and/or Belt.

    1. All persons are required to report to the job site and report to the Job Steward prior to starting time.  If you are late for the designated call time, the employer can send you home without compensation.
    2. All persons are required to remain on the job site until released by the Job Steward, as per the employers.  Any person who leaves a job site without approval from the job Steward prior to release, shall be reported to the Local 46 Office.
    3. All persons are required to be neat and well groomed.  Workout pants, tights or leotards are not acceptable.  Shirts must have sleeves and not carry obscene writing or signage.  All clothes must be clean and free of holes and tears.  Shorts may be worn on days of set up and dismantle only, not on show days and shorts must have a hem.  If your attire does not meet the above, you may be sent home without compensation.
    4. All persons referred by Local 46 who fail to report with the required tools, shall thereby waive any rights to a minimum call and may be discharged
    5. Never engage in a verbal conflict with the employer or another referral.  Take your problem to the Job Steward or Head of the Department.


    1. To receive work from Local 46 Referral List you must adhere to the following procedure: (March, 2011)

    Our call in requirement is that you advise us once per week on the weekend for the   upcoming week, or at the change of work status.  When you call in , state clearly your name, your service number and the days available for that week.  Use the numbers listed below, all are equipped with answering machines:

    (615)885-1058                          (615)885-1059                   (615)885-1326

    Local 46 places you on a work call by your call in availability.  Local 46 uses the following criteria for placement:

    1. Service number
    2. Job classification testing, experience and training

    Some our employers have contractual rights to request a percentage of their work force. Local 46 will honor those requests, when possible.

    1. If you receive a job call on your answering machine or voice mail, you must call the office to confirm that you accept or decline the call.  Failure to call and confirm may result in your being replaced.
    2. If you cannot make a call that you have previously confirmed, you must follow the procedure listed below:

    Call the Business Agent, or the Office Staff, if the office is closed, PLEASE leave a message on the answering machine, PLUS the answering machine will give you the cellular number of the Acting Business Agent on call -CALL- this Acting Business Agent, if he/she does not call you back, that means you did not get through.

    If you don’t reach the Acting Business Agent, CALL Patrick Hutchison (Business Agent) at (615)585-1058.  If you do not reach the Business Agent, CALL Greg Barbour (President) at (615) 394-1136

    If you do not reach the President, CALL, a member of the Executive Board:

    Kevin Baxter (Vice President)                          (615) 485-1838                     

    David Crist (Secretary/Treasurer)                    (615) 556-3736

    Leaving your number or message on an answering machine does not constitute proper procedure – you must personally speak with one of the above personnel.  If you do not follow the above procedure the result will be; a no show offense for failure to appear at the job call.

    1. Local 46 is a non-profit organization, but we do require funds to operate.  So all personnel referred to work must pay a “referral fee”, which is four percent (4%) of gross wages to Local 46.  The referral fee must be paid by the 15th of each month If paid after the 15th of the month you will be charged a late fee of $15.00.  Local 46 reserves the right to initiate legal action to recover referral fees/stamp monies owed.  Local 46 reserves the right to suspend anyone for non-payment of referral fees/stamp monies owed after a thirty (30) days of the delinquency, giving (10) days to bring current all financial obligations, unless arrangements have been made with the Secretary/Treasurer and/or Board of Trustees.  If payment is not made that individual will be removed from the Referral List immediately and suspended permanently, if that delinquency continues for six (6) months.  (April 13, 2009)
    2. “NEW HIRE” status is a Referral with less than one hundred days (100) experience and hired after December 31, 1995.  A Referral must work forty days (40) a year to maintain “HAND STATUS”.

    Membership into Local 46 requires the following:

    1. Passing 75% appropriate test to be put on the A,B,C or D list.
    2. Having worked one hundred days (100) of the (E) list.
    3. Applicant must receive a majority vote of the members voting.
    4. Applicant for membership in Local 46 must pay an Initiation fee of $375, plus $100 Processing Fee, payable to the International Alliance.
    5. Tests will be given periodically and you must sign up for them in our office.
    1. All Referrals have the right to file an evaluation on any conduct deemed detrimental to the Local.  These evaluations must be turned into the Job Steward on the call.
    2. Paydays at Local 46 are Friday, after 9:00 A.M.  Please be advised that some companies pay weekly, other companies pay every other week and some companies may take up to three (3) weeks to pay.  Please do not inquire about paychecks until after 9:00 A.M. on Fridays.
    3. It is the Referral’s responsibility to keep the office informed of changes in address and telephone/cell number.
    4. All New Hires will complete a ninety (90) day probationary period, before reaching their one hundred (100) days worked for conformity to the Hiring Hall Rules and Regulations, Disciplinary Code and General Rules.  This will serve as an evaluation period for determination as to whether the individual may continue to remain on the I.A.T.S.E. Local 46 Referral List.  At any time during this ninety (90) day probationary period of which two (2) or more infractions of the Hiring Hall Rules and Regulations, Disciplinary Code and General Rules are witnessed/documented it will be just cause for immediate/permanent dismissal from the Referral List of I.A.T.S.E. Local 46.  The Executive Board of I.A.T.S.E. Local 46 will review all New Hire status, as to being in compliance with the standards of I.A.T.S.E. Local 46.
    5. Nothing contained in these rules shall be construed or interpreted as requiring Union membership or encouraging Union membership in order to participate in the I.A.T.S.E. Local 46 Hiring Hall.  These rules are necessary to the effective performance of I.A.T.S.E. Local 46’s function in representing its’ constituency and in safeguarding the integrity of the Hiring Hall.
    1. Any user of the Local 46 Hiring Hall who has failed to complete, sign and submit an application for Referral System and who receives a suspension for violating provisions of the Disciplinary Code WILL NOT be allowed to return to the Referral List until submitting a completed application for Referral System to Local 46.  This provision does not apply to Referral hall users who have been permanently suspended.
    2. Report any job injury to the Job Steward and fill out two (2) copies of an Accident Report.  One (1) copy for the employer and one (1) copy for Local 46 records.
    3. Keep records of the jobs you work.  You should know the company.  Job Steward’s name, dates and hours worked, payroll check received and percentages paid.  This information is our responsibility and is needed to help correct any problems which may occur.


    The Disciplinary Committee is appointed by the President with the approval from the Executive Board of I.A.T.S.E. Local 46.  It consists of five (5) members, in good standing.  There must be three (3) members present for a quorum to conduct business.

    All referral evaluations are to be turned into the Job Steward and Office Manager, who will in turn make copies: one (1) to the Business Agent for notations and any facts he/she is aware of pertaining to the incident, one (1) copy to the Disciplinary Committee.

    The Committee will review all evaluations by majority decision and either set a date for a hearing or refer the evaluation to the Executive Board.  If it is determined that the evaluation is in order, the Committee shall give notice to the individual that a hearing will be held and request the accused to attend the meeting and present his/her defense.  This notice shall be in the form of a letter, which will state the date the offense occurred, the offense, the Job Steward on the call, the show name, and the company that he/she was working for as well as a copy of the evaluation.  The letter shall be mailed out a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the hearing date or signed for in the office.  If the accused fails to appear before the Committee, the guilt will be determined based on the evaluation alone.  The accused will be notified of the Committee’s decision by Certified Mail within ten (10) days after the hearing.

    All referrals have the right to appeal the decision of the Disciplinary Committee to the Executive Board within fourteen (14) days after the certified mailing.

                   All referrals are innocent until proven guilty and have the right to a fair and impartial hearing.

                   Fourteen (14) days after date of Certified Mailing, hereinafter defined as “notification “date.


    1.  All individual on the Referral List shall be held accountable for their conduct under these Referral Rules.
    2. List of Offenses:
    1. Major Offenses
    1. Theft at Work
    2. Sexual Harassment
    3. Fighting with Intent to Cause Bodily Harm
    4. Possession or Use of Drugs or Alcohol While on the Job
    1. Minor Offenses
    1. No Show on a Job Call
    2. Chronic Tardiness, (Defined as Three (3) times in a Six (6) Consecutive Month Period
    3. Walk Off a Job Call Without Proper Notification
    4. Chronic no tools for the required job (Defined as Three (3) time in a Six (6) Month Period.)
    5. Chronic Improper Call Off, (Defined as Three (3) times in a Six (6) Month Period).
    6. Anyone working a job call without notification and/or consent from the Union. (January 9, 2012).
    7. Any derogatory and/or abusive language, willful intimidation, threat of bodily harm or harassment toward any Officer, Office Personnel, Job Steward or other referral in or about any place of employment or within the office of Local 46 (March 8, 2010)
    8. Dress code violations

    In addition to the penalties expressly provided under the various sections of these Referral Rules, any person who engages in improper conduct which is detrimental to the honest and efficient operation of this Referral Hall shall be subject to appearance before, and appropriate discipline by, the Disciplinary Committee.

    1.  For Cause Removal from the Referral List:  Commission of any of the above offenses shall be cause for that individual being removed from the Referral List.  Should an individual be found to have committed any of these offenses by the Disciplinary Committee, said individual shall be immediately removed from the Referral List and will not be subject to reinstatement except as set forth hereinafter.
    2. Reinstatement:  An individual who is removed from the Referral List for cause may only be reinstated to the Referral list after the following conditions are met
      1. The individual cannot rejoin the Referral List until after a requisite amount of time has passed following his/her removal from the Referral List, in order to discourage habitual offenders of the Referral Rules.  The minimum amount of time spent removed from the Referral List depends upon the severity of the offense.

    Major Offense

    First Offense                             Six (6) month suspension

    Second offense                        Permanent suspension

    Minor Offense

    First Offense                             Ten (10) days suspension

    Second Offense                       Thirty (30) days suspension

    Third Offense                           One Hundred Eighty (180) days suspension

    Fourth Offense                         Permanent suspension

    The third (3rd) Minor Offense in one (1) year shall constitute a First Major Offense

    1.  If an individual tests positive for drugs/alcohol at any company to which you have been referred, you will not be referred out to another company until you complete a qualified Rehabilitation Program (as defined by the employer of record).  Failure to submit to an immediate alcohol/drug testing (when involved in an accident/damages or injury), you will be permanently suspended from the Referral Hall.
    2. Capital Offenses:  There are certain offenses that are deemed to be so damaging to the interests and integrity of the Referral System that commission of such an offense will result in that individual being permanently banned from the Referral List without an opportunity for reinstatement.  Such capital offenses may include, but are not limited to:  calling for a strike or work stoppage, competing with the Referral System for jobs or working for an employer who competes with the Referral System for jobs and/or recruiting Referral List members to work for a competing employer.  The Disciplinary Committee has the sole discretion to determine whether an offense rises to the level of a Capital Offense.
    3. The Disciplinary Code and the provisions herein will be applied with equal force to all individuals who use the Referral System, irrespective of an individual’s status as member or non-member of the Union.


    1. Calling off a call:
      1. Failure to call off a least twelve (12) hours prior to your call time, will result in an improper call off offense against that individual.
      2. Failure to call off at least one (1) hour prior to your call time, will result in a no show offense.
    2. If the office is closed or you are unable to contact the Business Agent or Acting Business Agent, call the office and leave a message on the answering machine, PLUS, the answering machine will give you the cellular number of the Acting business Agent on call – CALL this Acting Business Agent, if he/she does not call you back that means you did not get through.

    Leaving your number or message on an answering machine does not constitute proper procedure.  If you do not speak with someone and follow the above procedure, it will result in a no-show offense.

    1. If you do not reach the Acting Business Agent, CALL Patrick Hutchison (Business Agent) at (615)585-1058.  If you do not reach the Business Agent, Call, Greg Barbour (President) at (615) 394-1136.  If you do not reach the President, Call, a member of the Executive Board Kelvin Baxter (Vice President) (615) 485-1838 or David Crist (Sec/Tres.)  (615) 556-3736.
    2. Walking off a Call:
      1. Unless it is an emergency or sickness, when leaving a call prior to being dismissed by the Job Steward, you must give the Job Steward a minimum of two (2) hours’ notice.  If you leave prior to being dismissed by the Job Steward you will not be allowed to return to that call.


    Notification of Suspension from the Referral List:

                   1.  Any person suspended from the Referral List will be notified by Certified Mail within ten (10) days after the Disciplinary Committee meeting to the person’s last known address, listing the date of suspension and the reason.  Failure to receive such notice shall not affect the penalty imposed.

                    2.  The Business Agent and/or Job Steward reserves the right to remove any person from a job call alleged to have committed an offense under the Disciplinary Code.  If the Job Steward feels the need to remove a person from the call, he will ask for assistance from the Executive Board members working on that call, and/or call in the Business Agent.

    Suspension from the Referral List:

    1. Violations of the Disciplinary Code:

    a. If an individual chooses to admit quilt, he/she may start the requisite amount of     suspension time, immediately.

    b. If the individual chooses to come to the hearing and is found guilty by the Disciplinary Committee his/her suspension from the Referral List shall start fourteen (14) days after notification is given to the individual as to their guilt, provided no appeal has been filed.

    c. If the individual appeals the decision of the Committee to the Executive Board, his/her suspension from the Referral List shall start immediately following the decision of that appeal from the Executive Board.


    1. The accused may appeal any penalty imposed, or may file a complaint concerning any other matter involving the Disciplinary System or any alleged violation of the Rules and Regulations, to the Executive Board.

    2. The appeal or complaint must be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days after notice of the decision.  All appeals or complaints must be filed in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer of Local 46 and will be brought to the attention of the Executive Board.  The Secretary/Treasurer shall notify the appellant of the date and time of the next Executive Board meeting, so that their appeal may be heard.  The written appeals or complaint must clearly and specifically describe the subject matter of the appeal or complaint, and the relief requested.

    3. The Executive Board, upon notice to the appellant or complainant, shall hold a hearing.  Appellants or complainants who fail to appear at the hearing shall have their appeal or complaint dismissed.

                   Notice of decision defined as date of Certified Mailing.

    4.  The Executive Board may affirm the suspension, overturn the suspension, or reduce the suspension, but may not increase the suspension.  The decision of the Executive Board shall be final and binding on all parties.

    Page Last Updated: May 10, 2023 (13:16:49)
  • IATSE Local 46

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